Surface should be clean dry and free from any waxes coatings or finishes. Protect any painted or stained surface adjacent to the application area. Apply one good coat to the polished porcelain with a lambs wool mop roller brush or pump sprayer. Leave for a minimum of five hours for drying and deep penetration then apply a second coat to the area. Buff treated area before the second coat is dry. Use a rag or a buffing machine with a son pad. For optimum results allow the treated surface to cure for 24 hours after buffing. Use the same application directions for highly polished surfaces such as marble or granite.
Benefits and Characteristics Will not alter coefficient of friction Slower drying easy to work with Helps prevent permanent staining Blocks moisture penetration that causes mildew Preserves and protects without discoloration Resist UV degradation Use on porous and non-porous surfaces Allows treated surfaces to breathe Directions for Application on Polished Porcelain Marble or Granite: Surface should be clean dry and free from any waxes coatings grout residue or finishes. Protect any painted or stained surface adjacent to the application area. Apply one good coat to the polished porcelain with a lambs wool mop roller brush or pump sprayer. Leave for a minimum of five hours for drying and deep penetration then apply a second coat to the area. Buff treated area before the second coat is dry. Use a rag or a buffing machine with a sot pad. For optimum results allow the treated surface to cure for 24 hours after buffing. Use the same application directions for other highly polished surfaces such as marble or granite.
*Note: Application of Sure Seal Impregnator for Porcelain on damp grout is not recommended. It IF should be applied to diy grout only.
Pre-Grout Sealer Grout Release: Sure Seal can be used as a grout release prior to grouting to prevent grout stains and facilitate grout cleanup. On porcelain tiles or other porous tiles treat the tile with Sure Seal® let it cure for 24 hours. After the curing time markings can be made on the tile with permanent markers or pencils. These marks can subsequently be removed by use of Sure Seal® Grout & Tile aerosol sealer reapplied with a cloth. Maintenance: To clean treated areas simply use water and mild detergent. There is no need to use harsh cleaning agents such as abrasive powders ammonia acids or bleach.
Expected Wear: Sure Seal® will last for many years with proper maintenance on all treated surfaces; however heavy walkway areas should be tested yearly and product reapplied if necessary.
Warranty: Satisfaction guaranteed if not completely satisfied with product performance when used as directed contact Sure Seal for product replacement or refund of purchase price upon return of unused portion. Replacement cost for labour and installation materials such as tile are excluded. Any variance from the terms misuse or misapplication of the product shall void and nullify this warranty.
Technical Assistance: A clear liquid with a strong solvent odor. StoragelShelf Life: Keep sealed in original containers and store in a cool dry place. When properly stored shelf life is indefinite. Note: Consult the Sure SeaR Material Safety Data Sheet for details. Packaging: Available in 300gram Aerosol can 1 litre 4 litre and 20 litre drum
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